
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W


The effect conveyed on a patient following administration of a pharmaceutical which either restores, corrects or modifies a physiological function(s…
Two pharmaceutical products are considered to be therapeutically equivalent if they are pharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutical alternatives…
Group of medicinal products according to their indications of use. Last update: 30 June 2023 Source: PPRI
The practice of using the price(s) of similar products (ATC 4 level) or with therapeutical equivalent treatment (not necessarily a medicine) in a…
Public or private organisation that pays or insures health or medical expenses on behalf of beneficiaries or recipients. Recipients pay a premium for…
Traceability is the ability to track forward the movement through specified stage(s) of the extended supply chain and trace backward the history,…


The price of a single item in one package (calculated as the price divided by the , pack size). Synonym: price per unit Last update: 20 June 2023…


A sales-tax on products collected in stages by enterprises. In German: Umsatzsteuer / Mehrwertsteuer Allgemeine Verbrauchssteuer, die auf jeder…
Through this policy authorities set the prices of a new medicine and/or decide on reimbursement based on the therapeutic value that a medicine offers…
A definition of quality that assesses the quality of provision, processes or outcomes against the monetary cost of making the provision, undertaking…
Measures applied by authorities (e.g. state, third party payers) or actors (e.g. hospitals) in order to affect and limit the amount of medicines…
Health insurance that is taken up and paid for at the discretion of individuals or employers on behalf of individuals. VHI can be offered by public…
Groups within a society facing higher risks of poverty and social exclusion compared to the general population. These vulnerable and marginalised…
In 2016, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria3 defined key and vulnerable populations as follows: Key populations: “…


All activities consisting of procuring, holding, supplying or exporting medicines, apart from supplying medicines to the public.  In German:…
Logistics facility of wholesale companies In German: Betriebsstätte Auslieferungslager bzw. Depot eines Großhandelsunternehmens Last update: 30…
Entities performing wholesale activities Synonym: Wholesale company In German: Großhandelsunternehmen / Großhändler Unternehmen, das mit dem…
A winner-takes-it-all procedure is a procurement procedure where the full contract for purchasing goods and services is awarded to the single winning…