Public or private organisation that pays or insures health or medical expenses on behalf of beneficiaries or recipients.
Recipients pay a premium for this coverage in all private and some public programs of social insurance, while the system is supported by general taxation in the National Health Services.
The payer then pays bills on behalf of covered individuals, which are called third party payments.
They are distinguished by the separation among the individual receiving the service (the first party), the individual or institution providing it (the second party), and the organisation paying for it (third party).
Synonyms: Payer, Insurer, Purchaser
In German: Zahler
Öffentliche oder private Institution (z. B. Versicherung), die für Gesundheitsausgaben der Begünstigten aufkommt. Die Begünstigten bezahlen im Allgemeinen Beiträge / Prämien (bei Privatversicherungen und bei manchen Sozialversicherungen).
Last update: 30 June 2023
Source: PPRI