Technical reports


Windisch F, Zimmermann N, Knoll V et al. (2024): Study on the implementation of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices on the EU market. Final report. Publications Office of the European Union. 


Salcher‐Konrad M, Knoll V, Vogler S (2023): Leistungsspektrum der öffentlichen Apotheken im österreichischen Gesundheitssystem – Bestandsaufnahme, Analyse und Ausblick. Wissenschaftlicher Bericht. (in German with an English short summary, title in English: Review and analysis of services provided by community pharmacies in Austria). Vienna: Gesundheit Österreich (GÖG / Austrian National Public Health Institute)

Fischer S, Knoll V, Alleweldt F, Vogler S (2023): Potential measures to facilitate the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Study requested by the European Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety


Vogler S, Salcher-Konrad M, Habimana K (2022): Study on best practices in the public procurement of medicines: final report. European Commission, European Health and Digital Executive Agency: Publications Office of the European Union,
Annexes were published in 2023 and are available at: and

Steigenberger C, Vogler S, Windisch F, Zimmermann N (2022). Recommendations for innovative fit for purpose pricing and funding models for CA-ARTI diagnostics. VALUE Dx

Windisch F, Habl C (2022): EURIPID Feasibility study for the integration of medical devices into EURIPID. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG / Austrian National Public Health Institute), Vienna

Vogler S (2022): Access to information in markets for medicines in the WHO European Region. Oslo Medicines Initiative technical report. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe

Vogler S (2022): Payer policies to support innovation and access to medicines in the WHO European Region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe

Webb E, Richardson E, Vogler S, Panteli D (2022): What are the implications of policies increasing transparency of prices paid for pharmaceuticals. World Health Organization, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies


Vogler S, Schneider P, Fischer S, Haasis MA, Heindl B, Windisch F (2021): Preisvergleich ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten 2019. (in German with an English short summary, title in English: Price comparison of high-cost medicines). Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna

Fischer S, Vogler S, Windisch F, Zimmermann N (2021): HTA, Reimbursement and Pricing of Diagnostic Tests for CA-ARTI. VALUE-Dx 

Vogler S, Habimana K, Bauer E, Schneider P, Haasis MA (2021): Assessment of Centralised Procurement of Medicines in Portugal - Full Report. Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna

Vogler S, Habimana K, Bauer E, Schneider P, Haasis MA (2021): Assessment of Centralised Procurement of Medicines in Portugal - Summary Report. Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna

Vogler S, Habimana K, Bauer E, Schneider P, Haasis MA (2021): Avaliação das Aquisições centralizadas dos medicamentos em Portugal – Relatório de SínteseGesundheit Österreich, Vienna

Vogler S, Habimana K, Fischer S, Haasis MA (2021): Novel policy options for reimbursement, pricing and procurement of AMR health technologies. Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna


Vogler S, Zimmermann N, Dedet G, Lam J, Bak Pedersen H (2020): Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Systems in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen 

Vogler S, Zimmermann N, Dedet G, Lam J, Bak Pedersen H (2020): Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Systems in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (in Russian). WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen 

Vogler S, Haasis MA, van den Ham R, Suleman F, Humbert T, Garner S (2020): Cross-country collaborations to improve access to medicines and vaccines in the WHO European Region. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen  

Vogler S, Fischer S (2020): Lieferengpässe bei Arzneimitteln: Internationale Evidenz und Empfehlungen für Deutschland. Kurzgutachten. (in German with an English short summary, title in English: Medicine shortages: international evidence and recommendations for Germany).Gesundheit Österreich, Wien


Vogler S, Zimmermann N, Haasis MA (2019): PPRI Report 2018 - Pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies in 47 PPRI network member countries. WHO Collaborating Centre for Pricing and Reimbursement Policies, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG / Austrian National Public Health Institute), Vienna


Zimmermann N, Zuba M (2018): Arzneimittelausgaben pro Kopf im internationalen Vergleich (in German with an English short summary, title in English: An international comparison of pharmaceutical expenditure per capita). Gesundheit Österreich, Wien

Vogler S, Haasis MA, Dedet G, Lam J, Bak Pedersen H (2018): Medicines reimbursement policies in Europe. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen

Schneider P, Vogler S, Zimmermann N, Zuba M (2018): Preisvergleich ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten 2017 - Wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisbericht (in German; Title in English: Price comparison of high-cost pharmaceuticals). Gesundheit Österreich, Wien

Schneider P, Vogler S, Zimmermann N, Zuba M (2018): Preisvergleich ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten 2017 - Kurzbericht (in German; Title in English: Price comparison of high-cost pharmaceuticals - Short Report). Gesundheit Österreich, Wien

Schneider P, Vogler S, Zimmermann N, Zuba M (2018): Price comparison of high-cost medicines 2017 – Brief report in English. Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna

Habl C, Schneider P, Sebesta R, Nemeth G (2018): Euripid Guidance Document External Reference Pricing (ERP). Written as part of the Project ‘664317 / Statistical data for medicinal product pricing EU-RIPID’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020)

Zuba M, Habl C, Nemeth G (2018): EURIPID Study on the Calculation of Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) for pharmaceutical products. Written in the framework of Contract N°: PN5C/06/2016/C4 supported by Eurostat

Vogler S, Paris V, Panteli D (2018): Policy Brief: Ensuring access to medicines: How to redesign pricing, reimbursement and procurement?. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies of the WHO Regional Office for Europe


Schneider P, Habl C (2017): EURIPID - Best Practice Report on External Reference Pricing (ERP). Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, as part of the Project ‘664317 / Statistical data for medicinal product pricing EU-RIPID’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020), 2017, Vienna

Zimmermann N, Habimana, K (2017): Arzneimittelausgaben in Österreich (in German with an English short summary, title in English: Pharmaceutical expenditure in Austria). Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna.


Vogler S, Lepuschütz L, Schneider P, Stühlinger V (2016): Study on enhanced cross-country coordination in the area of pharmaceutical product pricing. Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT) and SOGETI. Funded by the Health Programme of the European Union, Vienna

Vogler S, Lepuschütz L, Schneider P, Stühlinger V (2016): Deutsche Kurzfassung (German Executive Summary) zur Studie "Study on enhanced cross-country coordination in the area of pharmaceutical product pricing". Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT) and SOGETI. Funded by the Health Programme of the European Union, Wien

Vogler S, Schneider P, Zimmermann N (2016): Price comparison of high-cost medicines 2015 among European Union Member States (in German with Executive Summary in English). Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and Women's Affairs, Vienna

Vogler S, Schneider P, Zimmermann N (2016): Price comparison of high-cost medicines 2015 among European Union Member States (Brief Report in English). Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and Women's Affairs, 2016, Vienna

Panteli D, Arickx F, Cleemput I, Dedet G, Eckhardt H, Fogarty E, Gerkens S, Henschke C, Hislop J, Jommi C, Kaitelidou D, Kawalec P, Keskimäki I, Kroneman M, Lopez Bastida J, Pita Barros P, Ramsberg J, Schneider P, Spillane S, Vogler S, Vuorenkoski L, Wallach Kildemoes H, Wouters O, Busse R (2016): Pharmaceutical regulation in 15 European countries: Review. Health Systems in Transition, 18(5): 1–118

Schneider P, Vogler S (2016): Pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement reform in Kyrgyzstan. WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016, Copenhagen

Schneider P, Vogler S.: Pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement reform in Kyrgyzstan (In Russian). WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen

Kaplan W, Wirtz V, Nguyen A, Ewen M, Vogler S, Laing R (2016): Policy Options for Promoting the Use of Generic Medicines in Low and Middle-income Countries. Health Action International


Ostermann H, Renner A, Bobek J, Schneider P, Vogler S (2015): A cost/benefit analysis of self-care systems in the European Union. Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH and SOGETI. Funded by the Health Programme of the European Union, Vienna


Vogler S, Zimmermann N, Habimana  (2014): Study of the policy mix for the reimbursement of medicinal products. Proposal for a best practice-based approach based on stakeholder assessment. Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH and SOGETI. Funded by the Health Programme of the European Union, Vienna

Vogler S, Habimana K (2014): Pharmaceutical pricing policies in European countries. Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, commissioned by CtW Investment Group, Vienna

Vogler S, Zimmermann N, Habl C (2014): Comparison of prices of 30 high-cost medicines in Austria and 15 European countries (in German). Written by Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna


Vogler S, Arts D, Sandberger K (2012): Impact of pharmacy deregulation and regulation in European countries. Full report; Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, commissioned by Danmarks Apotekerforening (Association of Danish Pharmacies), Vienna

Vogler S, Arts D, Sandberger K (2012): Impact of pharmacy deregulation and regulation in European countries. Summary Report. Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, commissioned by Danmarks Apotekerforening (Association of Danish Pharmacies), Vienna

Vogler S (2012) Auswirkungen von Deregulierung und Regulierung im Apothekenwesen. Untersuchung in neun europäischen Ländern. Fact Sheet. [German Fact Sheet accompanying the study "Impact of pharmacy deregulation and regulation in European countries"] Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planung GmbH, Vienna

Vogler S (2012): Arzneimittelmanagement in Krankenanstalten. Ergebnisse der europaweiten PHIS-Studie. Fact Sheet. [German Fact Sheet accompanying the PHIS Hopsital Pharma report] Written by Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna


Habl C, Bachner F (2011): Initial investigation to assess the feasibility of a coordinated system to access orphan medicines. Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate-General Enterprise, Vienna

Vogler S, Leopold C, Zimmermann N (2011): PHIS Hospital Pharma. Arzneimittelmanagement in Krankenanstalten. Pharmaceutical Health Information System; Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Vienna


Leopold C, Rovira J, Habl C (2010): Generics in small markets or for low volume medicines European Union: Evidence from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate-General Enterprise, Vienna

Vogler S, Habl C, Leopold C, Morak S, Mazag J, Zimmermann N (2010): PHIS Hospital Pharma Report . Pharmaceutical Health Information System; Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Vienna

Habl C, Bachner F (2010): Das Österreichische Gesundheitssystem: Zahlen – Daten – Fakten. [Title in English: Measuring the performance of the Austrian Health System]; Commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Vienna

Habl C, Bachner F (2010): Measuring the performance of the Austrian Health System. Commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Vienna

Habl C, Bachner F (2010): Das österreichische Gesundheitswesen im internationalen Vergleich . Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Vienna

Vogler S, Schmickl B (2010): Rational Use of Medicines in Europe . Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Vienna

Vogler S, Schmickl B (2010): Rationale Arzneimitteltherapie in Europa . Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Vienna

Zuidberg C, Vogler S, Mantel-Teeuwisse A (2010): The pharmaceutical system of the Netherlands: A comparative analysis between the Dutch out-patient pharmaceutical system, in particular the pricing and reimbursement characteristics, and those of the other European Union Member States, with a special focus on tendering-like systems. Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, compiled in the framework of the WHO Collaborating Centre of Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies, Vienna


Morak S, Vogler S, Walser S, Kijlstra N (2009): Health Systems: Policy aspects – Understanding the pharmaceutical care concept and applying it in practice. Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and the Council of Europe, Vienna


Leopold C, Habl C, Vogler S, Rosian-Schikuta I (2008): Steuerung des Arzneimittelverbrauchs am Beispiel Dänemark . Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, 2008, Vienna

Leopold C, Habl C, Morak S, Rosian- Schikuta I, Vogler S (2008): Leistungsfähigkeit des österreichischen Gesundheitssystems im Vergleich . Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, Vienna

Vogler S, Habl C, Leopold C, Rosian-Schikuta I, de Joncheere K, Lyager Thomsen T (2008): PPRI Report . Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the European Commission, Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection and Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, Vienna

Weigl M, Antony K (2008): Arzneimittelsysteme in Bulgarien und Rumänien. Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, Vienna

Habl C, Vogler S, Leopold C, Schmickl B, Fröschl B (2008): Referenzpreissysteme in Europa . Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, Vienna

Habl C, Vogler S, Leopold C, Schmickl B, Fröschl B (2008): Reference price systems in Europe: Executive summary. Written by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, commissioned by the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, Vienna

Leopold C, Habl C, Vogler S (2008): Tendering of Pharmaceuticals in EU Member States and EEA countries. Results from the country survey. Written by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, commissioned by the Main Association of Austrian Social Health Insurance Institutions (HVB) on behalf of the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP), Vienna


Vogler S, Habl C, Leopold C (2006): Pharmaceutical systems in the European Union 2006. Fact sheets. ÖBIG, Vienna

Vogler S, Habl C, Leopold C (2006): Pharmaceutical systems in the European Union 2006 - Comparative analysis. ÖBIG, Vienna

Vogler S, Arts D, Habl C (2006): Community Pharmacy in Europe. Lessons from deregulation - case studies. Commissioned by Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union. ÖBIG, Vienna

Arts D, Habl C, Schnabel E (2006): Nahtstellenmanagement bei Arzneimitteln. ÖBIG, Vienna


Vogler S, Habl C, Leopold C (2005): Pharmaceutical systems in the new EU Member States. Commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and Women and the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, ÖBIG, Vienna

Vogler S, Habl C, Leopold C (2005): Arzneimittelsysteme in den neuen EU-Mitgliedstaaten. ÖBIG, Vienna

Habl C, Schnabel E, Vogler S (2005): Öffentliche Ausgaben für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in Österreich 2001. ÖBIG, Vienna

Habl C, Antony K, Arts D, Entleitner M, Fröschl B, Leopold C, Stürzlinger H, Vogler S, Weigl M (2005): Surveying, Assessing and Analysing the Pharmaceutical Sector in the 25 EU Member States..Commissioned by European Commission - DG Competition, ÖBIG, Vienna


Rosian I, Vogler S, Stürzlinger H (2004): Internationale Arzneimittelpreisvergleiche: Meta-Analyse. ÖBIG, Vienna


Rosian I, Habl C (2003): Impfungen. Ökonomische Evaluation. ÖBIG, Vienna

Vogler S, Habl C (2003): Arzneimittel. Distribution in Skandinavien. ÖBIG, Vienna

Vogler S, Freihoff W (2003): Kostenfaktoren in der tierärztlichen Hausapotheke. ÖBIG, Vienna

Rosian I (2003): Selbstbeteiligung: Internationaler Vergleich und Implikation für Österreich. ÖBIG, Vienna


Rosian I, Antony K, Habl C, Vogler S, Weigl M (2001): Arzneimittelausgaben: Strategien zur Kostendämpfung – Länderportraits. Commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Security and Generations, Vienna

Rosian I, Antony K, Habl C, Vogler S, Weigl M (2001): Benchmarking Pharmaceutical Expenditure: Cost-Containment Strategies in the European Union. ÖBIG, Vienna

Rosian I, Antony K, Habl C, Vogler S, Weigl M (2001): Benchmarking Arzneimittelausgaben – Kostendämpfungsstrategien in Europa. ÖBIG, Vienna

Rosian I, Vogler S (2001): Generika Modell Burgenland. Commissioned by the Austrian Generics Association, ÖBIG, Vienna


Vogler S, Habl C (2000): Medikamente aus dem Internet. ÖBIG, Vienna

Vogler S, Habl C, Kranvogel-Zellermayer E, Rosian I (2000): Apothekenleistungen im europäischen Vergleich – Kurzzusammenfassung. ÖBIG, Vienna

Vogler S, Habl C (2000): E-Pharma. Arzneimittelvertrieb im Internet. ÖBIG, Vienna

Rosian I, Vogler S, Weigl M (2000): Generika. ÖBIG, Vienna


Vogler S, Habl C (1999): Health Care System in Central and Eastern Europe. ÖBIG, Vienna

Vogler S, Habl C (1999): Gesundheitssysteme in Mittel- und Osteuropa. ÖBIG, Vienna


Rosian I, Rohrbach C, Schindler E, Vogler S, Weigl M (1998). Biotechnologie: Pharmazeutische Industrie und Forschung in Österreich. ÖBIG.Vienna

Vogler S (1998): Arzneimittel: Vertrieb in Europa. ÖBIG, Vienna

Rosian I, Habl C, Vogler S (1998): Pharmaceuticals Market Control in Nine European Countries. ÖBIG, Vienna


Hofmarcher M. M, Frank W, Rosian I, Theuer W, Beuren D, Ofner S (1993): International comparison of pharmaceutical prices. ÖBIG, Vienna