When the research project had to come to an end, PPRI network members expressed their high interest in continuing the collaboration. GÖG responded by agreeing to take over the PPRI Secretariat, and the Austrian Ministry of Health has been funded the PPRI Secretariat ever since.
As a result, PPRI has continued as an active and Member States driven initiative to exchange information. Over time, the PPRI community has grown, as further countries have been joining (see below ‘PPRI network organisation’). Approaches to focus on specific topics that had been identified as of key importance by PPRI network members included scientific work in the PPRI, research projects such as the ‘sister project’ PHIS and the set-up of thematic PPRI networks such as the one on medical devices.
For further information:
Executive Agency of Health and Consumers (2011): EU Health Programme: working together to improve public health in Europe – A selection of Public Health Projects with an important impact for EU Member States. In collaboration with the Health Programme’s National Focal Points (NFP) and the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO)