Online Summer School Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies 2021

Event start date/time
Mon, 05 Jul 2021 09:00:00 +0200
Event end date/time
Fri, 09 Jul 2021 18:00:00 +0200
Event location
WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies, Pharmaeconomics Department at the Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH)
Course language
Contact (Telephone)
Tel. +43 / 15161-313 (Monika Schintlmeister)
Contact (Email)


Online five-day training course in pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies

The WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies at the Austrian National Public Health Institute in Vienna offered the first Online Summer School on Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies.

Addressing a global audience of policy-makers and technical experts in public authorities who work on pricing and reimbursement of medicines, the Summer School offered opportunities to gain insight into latest evidence and policy experience, to discuss practical examples and to interact with experts and peers confronted with similar challenges in promoting Universal Health Coverage and access to medicines.

38 participants of public and non-for-profit institutions working in the field of pricing and reimbursement of medicines from 19 countries worldwide attended the Summer School and turned the learning experience for all participants to an unforgettable experience.  

How to ensure equitable access to new medicines with high price tags? How to design the policy of external price referencing? What are country experiences in joint procurement? How to encourage the uptake of biosimilar medicines? Experts of public authorities are struggling to find the most appropriate solutions to these challenges. The Summer School on Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies addressed these questions, by offering evidence on existing tools and sharing experience (see our programme).

This online Summer School was in the tradition of the on-site Summer Schools that we have offered in recent years. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we organised the 2021 Summer School as a virtual event. Like the previous on-site Summer Schools, this online Summer School used a variety of mixed methods to make the course experience inspiring, informative and interactive.

See the impressions of the on-site Summer Schools in Vienna in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

bookLearning objectives

  • Understand the role of pharmaceutical policies to increase Universal Health Coverage and access to medicines 
  • Learn about the aims and implications of different pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies and tools 
  • Know how to design a medicines policy and understand the differences in the methodological design of a policy 
  • Be provided with a toolbox of policies and skills to adopt the policy solutions
  • Get to know the latest scientific evidence and learn from experiences of other countries

bildMix of learnings tools

The Summer School used a variety of methods, including

  • live online lectures
  • an online library of pre-recorded inputs
  • practical exercises in small groups
  • online panel discussions with distinguished experts
  • virtual study visits
  • quizzes and learning games
  • online poster presentations and 
  • at request, consultancy sessions on real-world challenges of the participants.


About the organisers