Study on Public Procurement of Medicines

Experts of the Pharmacoeconomics Department conducted a “Study on Best Practices in the Public Procurement of Medicines”, which was commissioned by the European Commission.

The study explored how public procurement can contribute to improving access to medicines, affordability and availability of medicines, security of supply, competitive market, protecting the environment, and supporting crisis preparedness.
In this study, public procurement practices for medicines across 32 European countries (EU-27 plus EEA/EFTA countries and the UK) were mapped and analysed regarding their impacts on achieving policy objectives. The study also reports on the use of supporting policies, such as health technology assessment, and the experience with cross-country joint procurements. A set of best practices for optimising public procurement of medicines in Europe is provided.

The study is available at: and at

Annexes are accessible at: and

Last update: 19 June 2023