Peter Schneider

Peter Schneider


Health expert

+43 676 848 191 169



Mag. Peter Schneider, M.A. joined the Pharmacoeconomics team at the Austrian National Public Health Institute in 2014. He studied Economics and International Development at the University of Vienna, Austria. After his graduation in 2010 he received a scholarship for the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme ‘Economics of International Trade and European Integration’ (EITEI), hosted by the Staffordshire University, UK, the University of Antwerp, Belgium, and the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic. Mr. Schneider is part of the Pharma Price Information (PPI) team in which he gained extensive experience in performing international price comparisons and comparing national pharmaceutical systems. He has been coordinating several projects in the field of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policy analysis for national or international decision-makers and is author/co-author of publications in this field, e.g. ‘Study on cross-Country Coordination in the field of Pharmaceutical Product Pricing’ or ‘Medicine Price Surveys, Analyses and Comparisons’. Furthermore, he is member of the Austrian Health Economics Association (ATHEA) and is currently pursuing his PhD in the field of pharmaceutical policy analysis at the Business Administration University Vienna, Austria.