Interface management relates to policies, mechanisms, and measures of cooperation between the hospital and outpatient sectors, such as collaborative projects, joint committees, or cross-sectorial funding schemes. Interface management measures aim to provide a link between hospital and outpatient sectors since the start of a therapy in hospital care can influence the future long-term medication of the patient after discharge.
In German: Nahtstellenmanagement
Maßnahmen und Strukturen des Informationsaustausches und der Kooperation an den Übergängen zwischen den Versorgungsbereichen (stationärer / niedergelassener Sektor).
In Dutch: Interface management
Informatieoverdracht tussen het ziekenhuis en de eerste lijnszorg.
In Spanish: Coordinación entre niveles asistenciales
Mecanismos de cooperación entre el hospital y el sector ambulatorio.
Last update: 20 June 2023
Source: PPRI